Monday 17 April 2017

Greyhound journey

Greyhound bus en route for Pittsburgh
With Ruth safely back in the UK in time for the beginning of term at St James's School tomorrow, it was time for me to head to the Greyhound bus terminal in downtown Washington DC for a seven-hour ride to the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where Alex, formerly curate in my last parish of Redhill is rector of the church in the community of Fox chapel.

The bus was packed. The driver was firm but fair. After his initial warning about over loud audio and following a complaint  he said 'I will say this just one time to turn your audios down, after that I will pull this bus over.'

It's not exactly the fastest form of travel - there are quite long stops to pick up and set down passengers - but the scenery was great and it was good to see a another slice of American life. I thoroughly enjoyed my first Greyhound experience. Whether I would go for the full 18 hours to Chicago being attempted by another passenger I am not sure.

Greyhound Terminal, Washington

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